How does the heat from an iron remove wrinkles from clothes?

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I know that applying pressure on clothes would remove the wrinkles over time, but how does the heat fasten the process? And how do the water sprinkles help in ironing really wrinkled clothes?
Also, why is the iron triangular shaped?

In: Engineering

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Exactly the same way that women use curling irons to press ringlets/curls into their hair.

Thread is made of fibers. These fibers can be an animal hair, silk made from an insect, a structure from inside a plant, or manufactured from plastic.

Each fiber has its own internal structure.

HEAT loosens/softens that internal structure.

WATER is absorbed into the thread, and helps soften it further.

By making something very hot and a little bit wet, while pressing a weight onto it, you can soften the fibers and press them into a flat/smooth position…. so when you take the heat/pressure off and the threads cool, they’ll cool and re-stiffen into that new ‘flat’ position.

An iron is triangular because the sharp tip lets you press tight corners, like around collars, cuffs, and shirt armpits, and into tight corners where wrinkles really like to linger. The rest of the shape is just ‘big flat surface’ for pressing out wrinkles.