How does the immune system identify and fight off different types of pathogens, and why do some pathogens evade our immune responses?


How does the immune system identify and fight off different types of pathogens, and why do some pathogens evade our immune responses?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I can semi answer this. Pathogens like viruses hijack certain proteins on the cells surfaces to gain access to cells and use their resources to reproduce and continue multiplying . It takes the bodies lymphatic system time to recognize the attacking virus’ protein signature left on an infected cell.

The body responds after identifying the proteins, and beginning to produce antibodies. Think of these as labels with “I am a bad guy” written on it that attach to the virus. They identify to the body which antigens (virus) or infected cells need to be destroyed.

Some pathogens have adapted ways of shutting down the bodies methods of identifying them. Like in the case of HIV actually infects the cells responsible for attacking pathogens. Which the body needs to destroy infected cells. Effectively stopping the bodies ability to fight off the infection. One of the first indicators of hiv infection is a reduction in this cell type.

There’s a ton of great content on YouTube that covers this at high and low levels. You could lose hours watching

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