How does the laser actualy work?


I am aware of crystals being energised with internal photoelectric effect, and then, somehow they are provoked to release the energy at once? The last part is what i don’t understand. How can a photon force emission of other photons? Or am i getting this wrong entirely?

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7 Answers

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Imagine you got a bowl of marbles. You start to spin it to get them moving. They hit and collide, but after a time they start to move in same direction and pick up speed. Soon some of them start to have enough speed to jump out of the bowl.

And that is laser, basically. You excite a medium until it photons in it have enough energy to go past a barrier holding them back. They do this soon as they have enough energy. This can simply be done with two mirrors one of which is slightly transparent. You bounce light between these until it is powerful, constantly adding more, enough to pass through the transparent mirror. Adjusting the properties of the transparent mirror allows you to control properties if the laser.

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