How does the line of succession work in England?


How does the line of succession work in England?

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7 Answers

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First in line of succession is the king’s oldest child, William, followed by his three children in order of age. Next is his second child, Harry, and his two children.

After them, the line of succession goes through other children of Elizabeth II and their descendants, e.g. eighth in line is Andrew, the king’s oldest brother, followed by his first daughter, then her child, then his second daughter, and her child. That brings us to thirteenth, which is the king’s next brother Edward, and so on.

After all of Elizabeth II’s descendants, next are descendants of her father George IV (i.e. the queen’s sister, Margaret) and then descendants of George V. That’s 62 people total, so there’s not much point going much further back.

However, anyone in this list is disqualified from succession if they are a Roman Catholic (and, until relatively recently, if they married a Catholic). Additionally, the first 6 people in the line of succession must have the monarch’s permission before they marry, or else they and their children are disqualified.

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