How does the moon work?


I understand the moon phases, so I don’t need information on that. I can’t wrap my head around the way the earth rotates and the moon orbits at the same time. I have read anton of articles, but just get more and more confused. Do they go in the same direction? How does this work??

Also, i am aphantastic, so please dont try to explain this by telling me to picture something spinning in my head. That just gives me a headache.

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

the moon’s rotation take about the same amount of time as its orbit.

so as the moon is orbiting Earth its rotating around itself at the same rate, hence the same side pepretually face us.

the moon being this close to us is acutally a bit of an oddity in the solar system and this causes both celestial bodies to actively slow its each other’s rotation, which is what eventually caused this: the Earth-Moon system is tidally locked.

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