How does the moon work?


I understand the moon phases, so I don’t need information on that. I can’t wrap my head around the way the earth rotates and the moon orbits at the same time. I have read anton of articles, but just get more and more confused. Do they go in the same direction? How does this work??

Also, i am aphantastic, so please dont try to explain this by telling me to picture something spinning in my head. That just gives me a headache.

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8 Answers

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There are two components to this:

1. The moon completes a rotation around Earth in the time of 1 month
2. The earth completes a rotation around itself in the time of 1 day

The moon phases are a result of the moon being in a different point around the Earth each day of the month. Also because the moon rotates exactly 30 times slower than Earth, it’s Earth-side face always points to Earth. That’s why we can only see one side of the moon, and the phenomena is called “tidal locking”.

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