How does the speed of the rotation of the earth dosen’t affect us on a daily basis?

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How does the speed of the rotation of the earth dosen’t affect us on a daily basis?

In: Planetary Science

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think the day night cycle effects me…

But I think what you mean why doesn’t it matter that the equator is traveling at 1037mph relative to the poles?

You don’t feel speed, you feel relative speed. In an aircraft at 500 mph you feel stationary, because the seats and air in the cabin are also doing 500 mph.

Same deal. The ground is doing 1000mph, and so is the air and water.

On a macro scale however the difference in velocity with latitude causes air and sea currents. Hurricanes spin counter clockwise in the northern hemisphere, but clockwise in the southern. Toilets and sinks are too small to be effected (opposite sides need to be in meaningfully different latitudes, but a continent sized toilet would flush in different directions on different hemispheres.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It do have an effect on you, the larger one is the day and night cycle on earth. I would say that affect you on a daily basis.

But you cat detect that you move because you can only feel acceleration not motion. linear motion is equal to being stationary if everything around you move at the same speed. You being inside a airplane on the ground is not different to it it when it flying. You will detect change is motion like from turbulent air but just the linear motion do not matter and you cant detect it excapet for looking out as stuff you move relative to.

The samt location on earth move at a constant rate so it has no effect on us. It is a circular not linear motion so there is a centipedal force on use that is constant in magnitude and direction. The effect on you will be combined with earth gravity. The force from the rotation is the larges on the equator but still only 0.5% of gravity, sto small for you to notice it but easy to detect with in instruments.

There is another indiedce efffect of earth rotation is one of the reason for wind on earth, wether pather and their path depend on earth rotation. So wind, climate and weather do affect you on a daily basis.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A 70kg person standing on the equator is approximately 250g lighter (the weight of a jar of pickles without the fluid) than they would be with no rotation.

That’s not exactly a life changing difference.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The speed of the earth’s rotation is 1/2 the speed of the hour hand of a 12-hour clock. When you think about it like that, it doesn’t seem so fast anymore.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Does the speed of a train affect you once it’s at its cruise speed (ignoring the slight movement because if the non-perfect track) ? What affects us is acceleration (the shift in speed) and not the speed itself.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can think of it in different ways,for example you can eventually come to the conclusion that the rotation speed of earth only causes one constant and unavoidable effect on us, which is basically somewhat counteracting the gravitational pull. (Of course it also causes the day-night cycles but you can avoid that effect by living in a cellar leaving us with one unavoidable effect.)

Now it actually does not matter how big or small this antigravity effect is, the only thing that matters is that it’s always the same since billions of years. It means that our total pull towards the earth is somewhat less than it would be on a non rotating planet, but since we evolved into this earth, never set food on another earth, your body has adapted to whatever is here. It includes the background radiation, the pull, the air composition and all.

And so we do not sense stationary things, like we don’t have a minute to minute consciousness of air or gravity etc, as long as things don’t change. It would be very exhausting to continuously be aware of all constant things, and so we evolved to only account for changes. The constant forces on your body (like the gravity or the rotational forces of earth) have never changed in your life, so you are not aware of them, and anyways, you wouldn’t be able to tell them apart, so even if you did sense it, the best you could do is telling the total force.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We get used to it when we are babies, but unfortunately we were all too young to remember that.