How does the Sun heat Earth but the space in between Earth and the Sun is cold?

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If the Sun is able to keep Earth warm while being millions of miles away, shouldn’t it get warmer and warmer the closer you get to it (like when you go to space)? Like how it would get warmer if you were to approach a burning house for example?

In: Planetary Science

14 Answers

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There is nothing to impart the heat to, it’s empty space. Actually this statement is technically incorrect but technically correct. Space isn’t completely empty but it’s very close to empty. There are tenuous gases and few and far between solid particles which is why space is cold but it’s not absolute zero, and why the temperature in outer space is not consistent. But for all intents and purposes, it is empty space. So a probe flying through space will be in a very cold environment, because there is next to nothing near it to be heated up by the Sun’s radiation, but the probe itself can be heated up by it.

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