how does the “tab” system work at bars?


In movies characters always say “ put it on my tab” and don’t pay. Do u have to have an account set up with the bar? What happens if you run a tab, order a bunch of drink and never return to that bar to pay?

In: 4

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the movies, those people were know to the bar, and had an account.

today, you hand them a credit card, and at the end of the evening they present you a bill charged to your card for you to sign.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most modern tab systems open a tab with a credit card. They scan your card and let you run up charges. When the tab is closed the receipt is printed. If you don’t close your tab before the close of business the bar will likely close the tab regardless which send the charges to your credit card. Some bars even have a “gratuity” for any unclosed tabs at the end of the night as a way to hopefully remind people to close their tabs.

More local bars might allow familiar customers to open tabs and keep track simply through writing things down.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on the place. As others have described some will work through your credit cards. If you are in a hotel bar (and are a guest of the hotel) they just take your room number/name and you pay at the end of your visit. In smaller towns sometimes its just based on an honor system where you now everyone anyway and if you dont pay they will know where you live and they can live with that one stranger a year that doesnt pay because it makes everything else easier.