How does the URL on YouTube videos know that the unique part of the URL is case-sensitive?


Whenever I go to YouTube or any website at all, it doesn’t matter if I write the website name in lowercase letters or uppercase letters, I will land on the same website. But whenever we go to a video and even replace 1 letter with lowercase or uppercase, the link doesn’t work.

How does the URL know that one section is not case-sensitive while the other section is case-sensitive?

I can understand why that’s the case. To keep the URLs unique. just in case something similar comes up. But what’s happening behind the scenes?

In: 52

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Youtube doesn’t use the URL directly to link to the video, but URL parameters. This is recognizable at the **?** at the of the URL.

Afterwards, you have the name of the parameter, and its value, e.g. v=1_Z5q152GSQ

This is a way to make dynamic webistes, regarding information you put in in the previous site.

This parameter isnt part of the site adress, but an addition to it and therefore ~~not~~ case sensetive

Edit: The Parameter of course is case sensetive. (In this instance. What the server does with the parameter, is up to the server. If he doesnt treat it as case sensetive, its not case sensetive.

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