How does the voice work?


… and is it the same in other animals as it is in humans? Is it comparable to any other instruments, or class of instruments?

Edit to add one more question: How does the voice create sound? My best guess is that the lungs breathe out air that then bounces around in our throats at different speeds and vibrates the walls of our throat/mouth (which creates a sound). Am I correct?

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2 Answers

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Your voice box contracts and relaxes to create narrower and wider opening as you exhale air through it, and through your throat and out your mouth in the air. Like how you can change your lips to make the air whistle higher or lower by contracting them tighter or loosening them.

Parrots have a different system than mammals. I can’t remember the details, but basically it’s virtually as if they have 2 voice boxes at the same time, which enables them to mimic very complex sounds without lips.

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