how does the weather change so fast? One day its 17c and another day its 0c


Like, in sweden we call it “april weather” but logicaly, how is it possible that 3 days ago it was hot, around 17c but today its -2c and have a chance of snowing.

That sun, 3 days ago, where did it go?

In: 0

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depending on geography, winds can carry warm or cold air and moisture from nearby bodies of water. Or warm dry air from deserts etc.

Where I am located in northern Canada, for example right now, it can be -5c early in the morning and reach +15c by 1pm.

“Chinooks” in Alberta move large masses of warm air over the rockies and can raise the temperature from -20c on a January day to +20c and back down again over the course of a couple of hours.

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