how does the weather change so fast? One day its 17c and another day its 0c


Like, in sweden we call it “april weather” but logicaly, how is it possible that 3 days ago it was hot, around 17c but today its -2c and have a chance of snowing.

That sun, 3 days ago, where did it go?

In: 0

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Day to day (or short term) temperature variations is caused more by the prevailing winds. As you say, the sun’s output and angle doesn’t vary much from day to day.

If you’re in the (further) northern hemisphere, typically a high pressure system to the north and low pressure to the south means that air will be generally blowing in from north to south and that means very cold air.

The reverse is also true, a high pressure to the south and low to the north means the winds come from the south which would generally be warmer.

The ocean also plays a moderating role. So if winds blow over land, they tend to be more extreme (hot or cold) whereas winds from the ocean probably have less temperature extremes. (broadly speaking)

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