how does therapy actually help?


Edit: so please also help me understand this- if a person doesn’t have family and friends to support, sounds like therapy won’t really help this person unless they change their living conditions, or they relapse?

In: 68

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I can speak from EMDR Therapy.

For EMDR, it’s a scientific process, that when a person is exposed to bilateral stimulation while discussing or thinking about their memories, the memories can begin to be processed. The brain is amazing like this. It takes a trained professional to carry out this form of therapy. It’s also important that the therapist and the client have a trustworthy comfortable professional relation. It’s not always easy to talk about such topics with a friend you already trust because you are exposing a vulnerable side to yourself and you don’t want it to be told to someone you are going to see everyday and who might have pre-judgments to things you tell them.

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