How does therapy help mental health issues or mental illness?

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How does talking to a professional about your problems help you in any way? I’ve been in and out of therapy for years and I simply don’t find any use in it. I just tell the therapist about my emotions and my life, they try to be understanding and offer some very basic advice I already knew about. Why is therapy often recommended more than medication and thought of as a better solution when it’s literally just normal discussion that can’t change brain chemistry?

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21 Answers

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There’s something inherently therapeutic about once or twice a week sitting in a quiet room with someone who is willing to listen to anything you have to say with no interest in judging you as good or bad (and where you are free to talk about certain feelings or problems that trouble you).

Talk therapy, which was pretty much invented by Dr. Freud to remedy adult neurotic behavior, *may or may not be useful* to people seeking relief from suffering through altering their brain chemistry via the many medicines now available. All therapy is about adaptation, so you are bound to hear a lot said about matters that you already know — but Dr. Freud quickly learned that telling a client what was really at the root of their emotional problems did *nothing* to help them feel better or function better in adult life. Talk therapy is a process that, for many people, heals and helps. Therapists are not in the giving-out-advice business. They are in the listening business. This is a valuable thing in a world of talkers.

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