How does therapy help mental health issues or mental illness?

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How does talking to a professional about your problems help you in any way? I’ve been in and out of therapy for years and I simply don’t find any use in it. I just tell the therapist about my emotions and my life, they try to be understanding and offer some very basic advice I already knew about. Why is therapy often recommended more than medication and thought of as a better solution when it’s literally just normal discussion that can’t change brain chemistry?

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21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are so many different kinds of therapy that it’s even hard to comment on this.  But the idea of therapy is to layer a layer of internal dialogue on top of your chemistry, so to speak, so that you’re perhaps more conscious of what’s going on up there and can change direction ever so slightly.  And a lot of stuff isn’t biology.  I’m sure you have instances every day where you reframe a problem and suddenly it seems different or more solvable. Therapy can be the same thing. We are the absolute worst at understanding our innermost thought processes, so we need somebody external as a bit of a mirror and lens.

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