How does this guy listen to two radio signals projected through 2 LEDs connected to the same leads?

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Here is the video I saw this in:

I do think this vid is legit but maybe Ive been had.

I think I understand how he could listen to a single radio station doing this but how is he listening to two of them using 2 LEDs that are connected to the same leads? This one has me really stumped.

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you think that’s wild, wait until you [see what happens with a bigger antenna and a hot dog](

The reason they’re picking up multiple signals at the same time is that they’re not using anything in their setup to selectively tune to a specific frequency. It takes more work to make a system that selectively amplifies a narrow frequency band. That’s part of how radios work, by being able to selectively tune only specific frequencies. If you don’t include the parts of the radio that filter out all the other frequencies, you pick up a lot of noise from all the stuff you’re not trying to listen to.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The two radio stations are coming in over AM (or possibly citizen’s band or short wave) frequencies. It’s not that uncommon to have two separate transmitters overlap enough that a receiver can pick them both up. This guy is using tech that doesn’t automatically pick the strongest signal and try to filter out the other one.

He doesn’t say he’s purposefully trying to get 2 radio signals. He just happens to have two signals on his LED contraption when he is making the video.

Anonymous 0 Comments

He’s using an antenna with no filter. The two stations are next two each other and the antenna is able to collect enough power from them to drive the LEDs.

In reality it’s probably picking up more stations but they’re not strong enough to hear.