How does time move forward, and does it require energy?

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According to Einsteins theory of relativity, the concept of space-time is tangible and universal. How is it that slowing the rate of time takes energy/mass, but it tends to move at a nominal speed, seemingly without effort?
Is there a force acting on it, and is it that force attracting or repelling it?
Or have i simply misunderstood the concept of time/space?
This has been bugging me for years, and I’d be grateful for any insight i can gain!

In: Physics

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Time moves forward kind of like how a river flows downstream. It’s just what it does. We can’t see it moving, but we feel it as we grow older and see things around us change. Time doesn’t need any energy to move forward, just like rivers don’t need anyone to push their water to flow. It just happens naturally. When you add a lot of mass, like a big planet or a star, it’s like putting a big rock in the middle of this river. The water has to flow around it and slows down a bit. Similarly, time slows down near a lot of mass or when you move really fast. It takes energy to move fast. It takes energy to move fast or to be near something with lots of mass. So, there isn’t really a force pushing or pulling time. Time flows on its own, and the speed of its flow can be affected by things like mass or energy, but there isn’t a special force making it move.

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