How does trajectory and bullet analysis work ?


i’m watching a video on youtube and they’re talking about a rapper who killed his friends. they got into the trajectory tests, but i’m curious how they determine which shot was first ? how is the direction determined ? etc.

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Trajectory is determined by examining the path of the bullet on the body. If the entry wound is near the top of the chest, and the exit wound is near the bottom of the back, they can join those two wounds and say the bullet was fired from above in order to leave the body lower than it entered. Combine that with any witnesses or video that shows where the victim was standing, where they were facing, and they can determine the direction the shot came from

The order of shots is way more complicated, I’m not sure how that would be established outside of the analyst having footage of the shooting. If the guy died half way through the shooting, and some of the shots had blood around them and others didn’t, they could infer that the ones with no blood were shot after the heart stopped beating, so they came after death. Maybe if you post the video we can be more specific