how does “urban camouflage” military uniform work?

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I understand that a camouflage uniform could work for someone hidden in a forest as its patterns help you blend in.

but, how the black and grey “urban camouflage” pattern make soldiers harder to find in an urban setting? I don’t see how that helps you blend in with the walls of buildings

In: Other

31 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Others have detailed a lot the specific answers. I would like to add a more general note.

Most people think camouflage is “something that makes you invisible” in the same way a disguise is specifically something that makes you look like some other person.

This is not the case. Camouflage and for that matter, any sort of colour and patterning has the main goal of disrupting the ability to clearly understand what is being seen. Some camouflage can be extremely visible and also very effective because an observer knows they saw something, but not exactly what did they see. And what you can’t communicate, doesn’t exist.

Examples in nature are zebras. They are clearly very visible but it’s almost impossible to get a good count or even a general idea of what is going on in a group of moving zebras.

Many cetaceans do this too: They are dark up top and very clear at the belly. This makes them hard to recognize if seen from above (dark against dark water) or below ( clear against clear water.

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