how does “urban camouflage” military uniform work?

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I understand that a camouflage uniform could work for someone hidden in a forest as its patterns help you blend in.

but, how the black and grey “urban camouflage” pattern make soldiers harder to find in an urban setting? I don’t see how that helps you blend in with the walls of buildings

In: Other

31 Answers

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The human brain is absolutely fantastic at pattern and shape recognition, it’s thought to have been one of our big evolutionary advantages- it helps us see predators and prey really quickly and effectively. So that enables us to pick other humans out of the background even if they should be really hard to see, it’s almost like we shortcut the normal, slow, difficult process of “seeing things and understanding them and jump direct to “this jumps out”.

So rather than it making you look like the background, like a more natural camoflague does, what it’s mostly doing is making you look less like a person.

(there’s some other really interesting uses for this instinct- one I really like is that Honda made a motorbike which was designed to look to our instinctive brains like a face. The idea is that the bits of our brain that spots tigers hiding in the bushes also picks out the bike and helps riders be seen even by bad or careless drivers)

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