How does Whatsapp make money if it’s free and there are no ads?


How does Whatsapp make money if it’s free and there are no ads?

In: 7773

14 Answers

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Capturing your usage. They don’t know what was in the message, but know when, where you sent a message, who to, how often. How often you receive them. How long it takes you to open it. Where the recipient is. And so on. They can build a fairly good profile from you for example if you regularly send them during the day from a location of a school they can guess you’re likely a student so can work out your age and general demographics. Tie this to others you communicate to and other areas they can often figure out your interests. For example if you also often send a message via Starbucks wifi on a Saturday they can figure out you like coffee, if others you send to also send at a similar time over the same wifi they can guess they also enjoy going for coffee.
Tie this in with your facebook and instagram (same company) on the same device, multiple by 2 billion users and you have a powerful database which can be sold to advertising companies or those doing research on people similar to you.

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