How does wind spin those giant turbines? It seems like even high-speed winds wouldn’t move it very quickly with how heavy the turbine blades must be. 2.18K viewsMarch 21, 2024OtherPlanetary Science Question100.55K March 20, 2024 0 Comments How does wind spin those giant turbines? It seems like even high-speed winds wouldn’t move it very quickly with how heavy the turbine blades must be. In: Planetary Science 23 Answers ActiveNewestOldest Anonymous Posted March 20, 2024 0 Comments the turbines are calibrated to rotate at a minimum and maximum speed…once they exceed their RPM the blades will pitch to prevent the wind from rotating them to reduce damage to the unit and or course safety reasons. You are viewing 1 out of 23 answers, click here to view all answers. Register or Login
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