how does wireless electricity transmission work?


how does wireless electricity transmission work?

In: 4

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

An electric current flowing through a coil of wire will generate an electric field around the wire.

Conversely, a change in an electric field will generate a current in a nearby coil of wire.

These two properties/behaviors are inherently linked to each other, as they form a sort of cycle. So if you have two coils of wire that are near each other but not touching, you can run a current through one of them and get a (smaller) current running in the other one. Put each coil of wire inside a plastic housing, and you can now wirelessly transmit power between these two “devices”.

However, losses in this form of transmission can be quite high, especially as distance increases. This is why wireless phone charges are about the most effective use of this phenomenon; you can put the two coils very close together, so your losses are small. If you tried to do this over much longer distances, you’d run into all sorts of problems, like poor power transmission efficiency and/or random other circuits picking up some of the current and being damaged.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The same way a microwave heats food, but different enough to not cook you.

A microwave sends high energy radio waves inside a box, which transfers the energy into food.

Wireless charging sends high-energy electromagnetic waves into a phone, which then turns that energy into charge.

The only difference is a microwave sends a ton of energy randomly. A charger sends a lot less energy in specific coils, and only works if there are specific “receiver” coils on the other end. If not, or if the distance is too far, it doesn’t pick it up and no charging happens.