How does witness protection work?


And how does it stay working?

In: 57

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the 80’s, a friend’s father was very publicly arrested for having a house under construction where the basement was full of guns and drugs (he was a “contractor” in NJ). A year later, the whole family was just gone. My friend was dating the daughter at the time and had no idea where they’d gone. About 6 months later he got a call from a pay phone from her, saying they were in witness protection and apologizing for disappearing. No one knew she was calling. We were all young at the time, and she was probably about 16. Every few months after that, he’d get a quick payphone call from her. He got the calls for a year or so, then they stopped and he never heard from her again. Such is life living in northern NJ.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Feel like no one has addressed the main part I want to know about – financial gain?

Does the government handsomely compensate you for this? / continue to financially compensate you?

If they wanted me to change my entire life and leave it all behind then I better be getting a big house for free, nice car, never worry about bills, be able to buy what I want when I want type deal? (Realise this level of flashy is probably counter intuitive)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Feel like no one has addressed the main part I want to know about – financial gain?

Does the government handsomely compensate you for this? / continue to financially compensate you?

If they wanted me to change my entire life and leave it all behind then I better be getting a big house for free, nice car, never worry about bills, be able to buy what I want when I want type deal? (Realise this level of flashy is probably counter intuitive)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Feel like no one has addressed the main part I want to know about – financial gain?

Does the government handsomely compensate you for this? / continue to financially compensate you?

If they wanted me to change my entire life and leave it all behind then I better be getting a big house for free, nice car, never worry about bills, be able to buy what I want when I want type deal? (Realise this level of flashy is probably counter intuitive)