How does yeast work?


I’m not sure if this goes under biology or chemistry so I’m just going to put it under “other”

In: 3

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yeast eat sugar and send out CO2 as waste. The CO2 waste becomes bubbles that makes breads rise.

Under some circumstances, they eat sugar and make CO2 and/or ethanol as waste. You end up with bubbly beer or wine in those cases.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yeast is a fungus that eats sugar and produces alcohol and co2 bubbles. In the case of baked goods, there’s not enough time for the alcohol to build up really, and what is made is just evaporated off from baking. The co2 bubbles is what stretches the dough and leaves little air pockets.

It’s dormant in those dry yeast packets and gets “woken up” when it gets hydrated with warm water.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My father used to make a home vine , which consisted of fruit of choice , sugar, yeasts and time .. it was bubbling over the time and quite stinky but everybody seemed to love the vine afterwards

You feed the yeasts with sugars to let it grow

I once worked in a pizzeria where we used live yeasts , they had to be fed daily and we never ran out