– how does your body manage to keep in all the feces in the case of extreme constipation?


Ever since I learned that Elvis died with more than 30 lbs of feces in his body all I can think of is….. how???? Assuming a person is continuing to eat day after day, how can you continue to put things in and have nothing come out? I don’t understand why your body wouldn’t force you to expel what’s in your system (well before 30lbs) one way or another?

In: 7849

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Defecation is mostly an active mechanical process. Meaning that your bowel moves stool to the anus and expel it. Poop don’t “fall out” of your body when you poop. It is pushed out by your bowel.

Your bowel has muscles, and if your muscles don’t work, like if you’re on medications that reduces bowel function, poop isn’t being pushed out, so you get constipated. Likewise, if your stool is hard and dry, that makes it hard for your bowel to push move it along and push it out.

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