How does your body use 2000 calories each day, but you need to run an extra mile to use up an additional 100 calories?


Why can’t we eat and lose calories.. LOL

In: 209

25 Answers

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Along with all the comments here about our baseline calorie expenditures, Humans are basically nature’s best long distance runners. From standing upright, thus giving us a long stride and the elasticity in our legs being very good at directing kinetic energy to our breathing and ability to sweat and keep our bodies cool during physical activity. Are we the fastest? No. Our prey could easily outrun our prehistoric ancestors – in the short run. But track and chase it long enough and that deer is going to run out of gas. But not us. Our body has evolved to be so effecient at running that we can go miles chasing a meal and it wouldn’t kill us. It’s why if you really want to burn fat, you need to strength train in tandum with diet and cardio. Muscles take a lot of energy – the most out of any other tissue i your body – to maintain and raises your resting calorie expenditure, which it will get from stored energy in fat. Pump some iron, eat your chicken and spinnach.

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