2000 calories a day is around 80 calories an hour. You use less while sleeping, so guesstimate about 100 calories per hour while you’re awake.
Say you run a mile in, say, 10 minutes (approx 2x walking pace), that’s working at 600 calories an hour or 6x your body’s rest work rate. Run that mile in a much brisker 6 minutes and you’re at 10x your body’s rest work rate.
The reason you only burn around 100 calories running a mile is because you’re only running for a short time of the day.
The reason it feels like a lot of work to run a mile is that even at a gentle pace you’re operating at many times your rest work rate.
For calorie burn, unless you’re rather fit and can run a 10k, the most realistic option for most people to burn calories is a modestly sustained increased work rate for a long duration – eg hikes or some sort of sport where you’re moving around a fair bit for a long duration with intermittent rest, Eg soccer.
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