How does your brain know where your limbs are without looking at them?


As an example, if you or someone else randomly moves your arms you know exactly where they are relative to other parts of your body, how does the brain know this?

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29 Answers

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It’s a sense called proprioception, and there are specific receptors all over your body. They send info back to your brain, and your brain compiles it along with visual and vestibular (“balance”) cues in a complex back-and-forth feedback system to come up with where you “think” you are. Different types of proprioception receptors send feedback based on your muscles, tendons, joints, and the forces being applied to each.

Fun fact: this back-and-forth feedback is highly affected by alcohol, so this is the reason why your balance is bad or you might feel like your hand is “floating” when you’re drunk! It also can do funky things as you’re falling asleep, making your body feel weird.

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