How don’t British Tabloids break libel laws?


From what I’ve heard, Britain has very strong libel and slander laws – much stronger ones than in North America. If that is the case (Please let me know if it isn’t) than why do british tabloids seems so much worse about publishing blatantly false and defamatory things about british public figures?

It certainly still happens in North America, especially online, but looking at a magazine rack, the ones where you look at them a think “yeah, that’s absolutely fake” are always british, and I don’t get how that is when their laws are stronger

In: 3

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They do break the laws. There’s been many cases of people suing them. Prince Harry recently won a libel case against one of them. You’ll often see retractions printed. The retraction is usually a small note on page 8 or something to take back a false accusation made on the front page.

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