How earth switches from tachicardia to fibrillation?


How earth switches from tachicardia to fibrillation?

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I presume your auto correct replaced “heart” with “Earth.”

In any case, tachycardia is when a heart beat faster than its normal resting. Resting heart rates above 100 bpm are usually considered tachycardic.

When the body is under stress, heart rate increaes to supply more oxygen to vital organs.

Severe trauma, blood loss, oxygen deprivation (eapecially to heart muscle) can cause extreme tachycardia, upwards of 200 bpm!

At some point the heart beats so fast that the electrical signals which coordinate the precisely timed muscular contractions which cause a full “beat” begin to overtake each other and these contraction begin to occur out of sequence.

So instead of efficiently and moving blood through each chamber, the heart just sits there quivering, moving blood nowhere, a condition called fibrillation.

Ventricular fibrillation (fibrillation around the heart’s muscular ventricles) becomes fatal without intervention.

Defibrillation uses a sudden pulse of electricity to depolarize the heart muscle, ending the arrhythmia. The heart’s sino-atrial node then reestablishes normal sinus rhythm.

The key here is that when severe enough, tachycardia can turn into ventrical fibrillation. “Pulseless tachycardia” is a shockable rhythm which often immediately precedes ventricular fibrillation.