How electric transformers work


We recently had a transformer blow in our neighborhood and now my 3 year old is asking me how it works and I honestly don’t know. Can anyone electrical transformers?

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21 Answers

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I’ll try ELI3- the power plant spins a wheel that makes wires go past magnets. This makes the elections in the wire wiggle back and forth (alternating current). They are wiggling back and forth so strong (high voltage) that it makes all the other elections down the wire also wiggle. It is also so strong it would kill people and destroy your appliances if it went through them.

But, if we put some of those wires next to a second set of wires (without touching) then the wiggly electrons can push the elections in the second wire just a little bit. These electrons are not strong enough to break things in your house but they will still hurt you.

If something connects those two sets of wires then a breaker pops so that nothing else breaks.

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