How electricity metering works


I don’t know how the energy system, and costings work. I want to buy Tesla batteries and solar to essentially not need to use grid power at all, but I can’t really figure out how many batteries/panels I need.

My electricity bill say I have used 25KWHs this cycle, but the power spec says it will store 15KWH/day. Surely this doesn’t mean 2 days of storage would cover my whole bill.

I live in Australia, if that’s relevant

I’m 28 years old, and I have no clue. Pls help!

*On mobile – Sorry for formatting

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Edit: nevermind this comment, i’ve confused the units. People who replied corrected me.

KWH is kilowatt per hour, it is the power all your devices put together use for one hour of work. Your bill must say about the amount of kilowatts (without hours) to find out how much you actually use. Actually, on one hand 25 kilowatts per month is unbelievably little to me, but using 25 KWH of devices is kinda too much to be real either. So either I don’t understand how electricity works in Australia or your bill needs some further investigation.

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