how emulators struggle with frames per second so much?

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After the recent news of people running bloodborne on PC on a ps4 emulator at a massive 1 frame per second, I’m just wondering why they tend to struggle to run these games?

In: Technology

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine you have like a game, but it’s basically a huge tank of water. 

This tank of water has like 3-4 pipes coming out of it, and the designed it to fit exactly 3-4 pipes in the ground (the PS4), so when the pipes turn on, the water flows freely from the tank outlet pipes to the ones in the ground. It all goes pretty smoothly. 

Now imagine the same tank, but you take it to a place where the pipes in the ground don’t quite match up to the outlet pipes of the water tank. So you have a bunch of guys with buckets, running from the outlet pipes, filling up the bucket and then running and pouring it into the ground pipes. It’s a lot slower, but the end effect is the same. 

In this case, the ground pipes are the PS4 hardware, so if you match your game (the water tank) it all works fine. The people running around with buckets of water are the emulator, trying to fake that the water is going directly to the ground pipes. 

In this case the pipes may represent 1 for the pipeline of instructions to the PS4 graphics processor, another for the CPU, another for physics etc. So it’s always better if you have ypur pipes fitting exactly rather than someone in between with buckets trying to do the same thing. 

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