How exactly do water towers work?


Is the water always up there?

How does the water get up there? I assume pumps but it all just doesn’t compute in my brain.

In: 1075

38 Answers

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Sometimes there might be less water up there. Ideally it shouldn’t be completely empty, as the absence of water in the pipes can cause problems, but it doesn’t always have to be totally full either.

Yep. Pumps make water go up. It adds pressure to the entire water system making it easier to distribute water everywhere during the highest demand times. During low demand times, the tower fills back up in preparation for the next peak demand.

Think about it this way – you start filling a bathtub with a plug in place. It takes a while to fill completely. You pull the plug, and water starts going down the drain. The water probably drains a bit faster than the tub fills, so the water level goes down. Then you plug the tub again later and it fills up again. The water tower will keep on pumping water into it as long as it isn’t full. If it’s full, the pumping gets shut down to prevent it from getting overfilled. When people need more water, the plug is pulled to share the water from the tower with the rest of the indoor plumbing system.

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