How exactly do water towers work?


Is the water always up there?

How does the water get up there? I assume pumps but it all just doesn’t compute in my brain.

In: 1075

38 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Curious, and no longer an ELI5, but if we assume the water is being fed *into* the tank from a pipe/fixture towards the top of the tank, and if we assume the water leaving the tank does so from a pipe/fixture much lower down if not at the very bottom, as the water *leaving* the tank is being pushed out with the combined pressure from all of the water in the tank above it, would that be enough to overcome gravity and pull more water in from the top pipe/fixture?

In other words, once you have enough water inside the tank, assuming a constant supply of water is available to keep the tank refilled, would it be a self-replenishing system that no longer requires a powered pump?

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