How exactly does food poisoning work? How does the body know that the food is contaminated and which way to expel it out? How does it know when things are safe again?


How exactly does food poisoning work? How does the body know that the food is contaminated and which way to expel it out? How does it know when things are safe again?

In: 3971

27 Answers

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The concerning bacteria create toxins that damage cells in one way or another. So when you eat food that these bacteria have been living in you’re eating a lot of toxins which don’t break down that well when cooking. So cells start being damaged or killed in your intestines or in your liver (where everything your intestines absorb is processed). This quickly causes inflammation and an immune response, which tells your body to get rid of everything in your digestive system before more toxins are absorbed. This triggers vomiting and your body stops absorbing water from everything you ate to push it out more quickly.

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