How exactly does food poisoning work? How does the body know that the food is contaminated and which way to expel it out? How does it know when things are safe again?


How exactly does food poisoning work? How does the body know that the food is contaminated and which way to expel it out? How does it know when things are safe again?

In: 3971

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The food gets digested and nutrients get taken in by the body. If it’s contaminated, let’s say by salmonella, the bacteria also makes it into your body.

Your immune system will quickly find the bacteria, and try to kill it. Part of that means purging the digestive tract (diarrhea and vomit) to get rid of the source. Fever is added to kill off the bacteria that already made it past your digestive system.

It knows it’s save when there are no longer any offending bacteria in your body.

Of course it’s more complicated than this, but hopefully you understand the basics now.


To those of you bitching about me not explaining microbial toxins and things like that, shut up. It’s explain like I’m 5, details like that don’t belong here.
(Not to the people just politely added on info, that’s always welcomed)

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