How exactly is jazz ‘improvised?’


I understand that often times jazz is improvised, but how, exactly? For instance, who leads? Is it always the same person/instrument leading?

In: 48

27 Answers

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In small(ish) bands, they usually have a set order to solo in. E.g., the band decides ahead of time that the trumpet goes first, then the sax, then the piano. As for length of solos, that’s typically based off the number of measures. And again, decided ahead of time (e.g., in blues, the solos are typically 12 measures long, or multiples thereof.)

As for what notes to play, the members play notes that go well with either the chords being played or the scales being played (again, decided ahead of time). So a song might have a set of chord changes and the soloists play solos that they know sound good over those chord changes.

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