How exactly is jazz ‘improvised?’


I understand that often times jazz is improvised, but how, exactly? For instance, who leads? Is it always the same person/instrument leading?

In: 48

27 Answers

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Alto sax player checking in. You fully familiarize yourself with the instrument and it becomes an extension of you. You no longer have to think of what fingerings make what pitches/notes, so if there is an idea in your head for a cool Riff, you can just do it, depending on the keys im holding down, I know exactly what sound is about to happen. It is not a skill that is learned overnight, and I have plenty of friends who have played for years and still cannot improv. You really, really have to put yourself out there and get smashed for years to be that good. Some people can kinda fake it and play variations of the big band piece in their solo but that’s not the same thing. Practice. A lot.

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