: How far are we from a good treatment of male pattern baldness ?


people have been talking about stem cell , gene therapy, Wnt pathways ? What will be role of AI in it.

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Jeff Bezos is bald.

If one of the richest men in the world can’t treat his baldness today, you and I will not have access to it in our lifetimes.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Does “self acceptance” count as a treatment? It kinda ought to, and if it does, I have very good news for you, we figured it out thousands of years ago!

If it doesn’t… I wouldn’t hold my breath. Biology and medicine are staggeringly complicated fields, and MPB is not a high priority compared to things like cancer.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are already good drugs available. The thing that kills follicles is related to hormones – a specific type of testosterone – and given treatments like finasteride are well under a dollar a day. Very effective and very very low rate for side effects, which are almost all mild.

A pharma company would hear a pitch for developing something expensive and risky (like stem cell or gene therapy) and say ‘why there’s no market’. Further those sound like a short term treatment, not a lifetime of pills, further eroding the business case.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Does it really matter to go bald? I shaved my head clean while deployed over seas due to the heat. I don’t see why it matters so much. Thoguh, as a person with a set of full thick hair, my view may be bias.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Maybe we are evolving to be bald. Humans don’t really as much hair anymore since we developed clothes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Put it this way: I remember getting excited for new “genetic” therapies that were “just around the corner” 20 years ago. ‘I’ll have nothing to worry about!’, I thought. Today, I’m hearing about new genetic therapies that are “just around the corner.”

I disagree with the other poster that said it’s just not a high priority. I think they’re trying, hard. It’s just that much of a huge complicated challenge. The company that makes an honest-to-goodness CURE will be the next Tesla! It would be bigger than Viagra was to Pfizer, because it’s a much more widespread condition.

The only ‘cures’ we’ve had so far were accidents–drugs that had a positive *side effect* on hair loss. One for high blood pressure and one for enlarged prostate/cancer. Both have side effects that are very unpleasant, and permanent if you take them long enough. Which you have to or you lose everything you’ve gained. Look up Propecia d*ck.

Hair transplant is kinda gross. The ‘donor’ scars ensure you can never be bald by choice. but it’s the best option, besides doing nothing and dealing with it mentally. My girlfriend tells me she wouldn’t care if I was completely bald. I’ve heard it said that hair to a man is like how women are concerned with their breasts. The opposite sex is much more accepting of how they look than we are, but we’re still overly self-conscious about that body part.

So yeah. I’m girding myself for the razor. Maybe when I’m a senior citizen they’ll have a cure.