How farmers get their fields plowed straight?


How do farmers also have their fields plowed so straight for so far? Do they use GPS guidance somehow? And if they use some sort of tech, were they able to plow fields this straight back in the day?

In: 250

30 Answers

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Depends on the size of the farm. My rows are only 100 ft long so I pretty well eyeball the first pass then keep my tires on one side of the tractor just inside the tilled earth. Tractors on the next size up in scale have locks on the steering wheel and they basically eyeball it like I do. Now when you get into the huge monoculture farmers that do 1000s and 1000s of acres, thats where you’ll see really big tractors that utilize gps to stay straight. With each increase in size the tractors are significantly faster moving too. Im moving at a crawl on my little tractor when I break up 5ft wide swaths, the big gps tractors will break 20+ft wide swaths of ground at over 10mph .

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