How fast can food pass through the body?


I have read somewhere that it is normal to defecate about once a day. This leads me to think that it takes about 24h for food to pass through the body under normal circumstances.

Now lets say you eat some bad sushi that triggers “the runs” within an hour.
When you then defecate, is it the actual sushi that comes out or is it just the food you ate before the sushi?

Also, how fast could food theoretically go from mouth to anus?

In: 935

40 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To go off on a tangent but still answer OPs question , I don’t have a large intestine and instead my small one is fashioned into a man made bowel inside me. Sick intro out the way, I am incapable of solid shits. Best I can do is something akin to baby food or just pure diarrhea. Thankfully I’ve never been caught out despite needing to shit more often than most. But this is a legit fear of mine.

Thankfully I lead a normal life and am relatively fit. I’m not malnourished or anything and whilst always skinny, started to put the pounds on when I hit 30 and my metabolism finally slowed down and am now a decent weight of around 94KG for my height of 6’5″

That said….

I’d love to experience only shitting once per 24 hour period but I average about 5 shits per day, lasting anywhere between 3 and 8 mins each.

I can legitimately eat say a sandwich that has sweetcorn in it and shit that out a few hours later. How do I know it’s that meal from 3 or 4 hours ago? Because I see the sweetcorn. Mocking me….

So OP, the speed of food passing through the body is definitely dictated by the health and length of ones digestive track. Most people probably do average 24-72 hours to fully pass something. I’d also imagine it depends what they’re passing.

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