How fast can food pass through the body?


I have read somewhere that it is normal to defecate about once a day. This leads me to think that it takes about 24h for food to pass through the body under normal circumstances.

Now lets say you eat some bad sushi that triggers “the runs” within an hour.
When you then defecate, is it the actual sushi that comes out or is it just the food you ate before the sushi?

Also, how fast could food theoretically go from mouth to anus?

In: 935

40 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Science in this thread says: 10-72 hours.

My body says: 1-3 hours after you eat that you’re going to see it in the bowl. Confirmed with both corn and beets(red stool post consumption), no consumption of either within 72 hours of expulsion. Incredible. Mind-blowing. My super power is gastro evacuation. Obviously not with all food. These were freak occurrences, but likely the fastest food has ever gone through the CampCosmos highway system.

I don’t know if I’m proud, or ashamed to share this online. Thanks internet.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Technically, a fraction of a second. Load an 18 pounder Napoleonic-era cannon with dried beans instead of grapeshot.

You did ask “how fast can food pass through the body?”, not “what is the shortest time it can take for the food you ate to come out as shit?”.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve eaten jalapeno poppers and pooped out jalapeno chunks an hour later. They couldn’t be from last time I ate jalapeno poppers because it had been months.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Looks like food has an express lane sometimes! Just make sure to wave goodbye to your pre-sushi snacks first. 🌮👋😄

Anonymous 0 Comments

Coming out the rear about 24 hours, but if you want to speed run eat asparagus. You can smell it when you pee within minutes. It doesn’t take the same path but has entered stomach, then the bloodstream then been filtered out by the kidneys.

Anonymous 0 Comments

FWIW about an hour after eating “The Worlds Hottest Meat Pie”, liquid lava was spewing from my anus. And I had to vomit. At the same time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ever been to Taco Bell?

Anonymous 0 Comments

It takes up to 36 hours in total on a healthy diet. 6-8 hours to pass through the stomach and small intestine, and then another 28-30 hours for it absorb the water and other minerals before exiting.

When you eat something bad, there is 1 of 2 things that happen.

Stomach detects bad stuff, you puke it up immediately.

Small-to-Large intestine detects bad stuff that stomach missed, it skips the water / mineral absorption part and expells immediately (thats why its runny/watery)

Anonymous 0 Comments

I got poisoned by eating a type of mushroom that needs to be cooked for at least 15 minutes (I cooked for less, apparently), which gave me the shits. I had to piss with my ass about 4-5 times an hour.

As an experiment, I swallowed an unripe berry with a glass of water, to see how long it took before it came back out.

It took 15 minutes.

So, it can be pretty fast=P

Anonymous 0 Comments

One time I had drank a lot of Guinness and ate sweetcorn too. Turd came out looking like a TV remote 😂