how fast is the universe expanding


I know that the universe is 13 billion years old and the fastest anything could be is the speed of light so if the universe is expanding as fast as it could be wouldn’t the universe be 13 billion light years big? But I’ve searched and it’s 93 billion light years big, so is the universe expanding faster than the speed of light?

In: 938

30 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine a loaf of bread with raisins, as it rises and bakes the raisins get farther apart yet they didn’t move through the dough

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light,

at large scales

that distinction is important. Locally the expansion of the universe is somewhere between 65 and 75 km per megaparsec. Now a parsec is about 30.9 trillion km, so for every million of those the universe is expanding around 70 km. That’s a very small amount. But the universe is HUGE and that expansion is happening everywhere so all those slow little expansions add up to a huge amount when two points are millions to billions of light years apart. So at the very edge of the visible universe, it is expanding away from us faster than the speed of light. So there is stuff out there that is disappearing from our ability to see it because the light will never have time to reach us.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The outer limits of “space” are by definition the limits of our minds spatial comprehension. The rate at which it expands is measurable in units of a divisor of said space, hence it seems to expand, but all is relative.

Anonymous 0 Comments

But what are we expanding into?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Impossible to know since we don’t have a clear reference nor a way to measure distances in space. Not to mention the our telescopes are useless to see the infinite universe.

To assume the universe is expanding, you ale have to assume the Big Bang theory, but that is just one of many, and of course Impossible to prove.

Anything related to Space is mostly fantasy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Its doing it pretty darn fast relatice to how fast you could expand thats for sure.

Jk you’re in the universe and therefore expanding as well.

Good luck!

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s accelerating. Which means it’s expanding faster now than when you started reading this comment.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My understand,which my not be perfect, is that the universe does not really exist and only the earth does and the earth is actually flat and not expanding at all.

Anonymous 0 Comments

What about quantum entanglement? The way it works could be imply that its faster than SPL.
Also us saying that the universe is 13B years old is no more than a educated guess.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Note, a competing theory exists and is gaining traction that assumes the expansion is happening along side photon decay, meaning the universe is 2x older than we initially thought and the expansion is massively slower than estimated.