how finishing a course of anti biotics kills all the bacteria?


How does finishing the prescription ensure that all the bacteria is killed and that there are no surviving or remaining bacteria? Have always been told that finishing the prescription does this but never how

In: 93

15 Answers

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The way antibiotics generally work is that they rarely out right kill “all of the bacteria.” The drugs just limit the ability the bacteria to reproduce in some way and this gives your immune system the advantage and it moves in and does it’s job the finish the infection off.

The first doses of antibiotics allows your body to quickly do in the weakest of their populations. This is why if an antibiotic is going to work at all they do so quickly. This sets people up to mistakenly think they are cured and need not finish off every last dose. As soon as the antibiotics are withdrawn the remaining population of slightly more resistant bacteria go back to doing their thing and you have a super infection with a slightly more antibiotic resistant strain.

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