How GPT solve logic and math problems


My very limited understanding of GPT is that it’s basically a text generator. Why and how could it solve logic and math problems? Or is it just an emergent ability from LLM that nobody understands?

In: 4

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It doesn’t, that’s the trick

It’ll do its bestest to convince you that it has but it does not work on precise data. Go ask ChatGPT and Wolfram each of your math problems, unless its already on the internet then ChatGPT is going to guess and be off by a fair amount while Wolfram will actually solve the problem

Similarly, most logic problems have been on the internet for a longgg time so they were likely in the training set but that’s not ChatGPT solving the logic problem, its just rephrasing the google search results

Neural networks are probabilistic not deterministic. Go ask ChatGPT to divide some decimal numbers and you’ll get a different answer every time because its just figuring out from its data set what the most probable next digit is, its not actually executing division to get a firm singular answer

Anonymous 0 Comments

It doesn’t, that’s the trick

It’ll do its bestest to convince you that it has but it does not work on precise data. Go ask ChatGPT and Wolfram each of your math problems, unless its already on the internet then ChatGPT is going to guess and be off by a fair amount while Wolfram will actually solve the problem

Similarly, most logic problems have been on the internet for a longgg time so they were likely in the training set but that’s not ChatGPT solving the logic problem, its just rephrasing the google search results

Neural networks are probabilistic not deterministic. Go ask ChatGPT to divide some decimal numbers and you’ll get a different answer every time because its just figuring out from its data set what the most probable next digit is, its not actually executing division to get a firm singular answer

Anonymous 0 Comments

Chat GPT is a computer program that has been trained using a lot of data, including examples of logic and math problems. When you ask Chat GPT to solve a problem, it uses the patterns it has learned from the data to come up with a solution. It doesn’t actually “think” like a human does, but it is able to give you an answer based on the data it has learned.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Chat GPT is a computer program that has been trained using a lot of data, including examples of logic and math problems. When you ask Chat GPT to solve a problem, it uses the patterns it has learned from the data to come up with a solution. It doesn’t actually “think” like a human does, but it is able to give you an answer based on the data it has learned.