How gravity works? How can some particle go up to and grab hold of an atom and go… “here, buddy, come over this way with me, opposite to the orientation I was travelling”?


How gravity works? How can some particle go up to and grab hold of an atom and go… “here, buddy, come over this way with me, opposite to the orientation I was travelling”?

In: 6

9 Answers

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if the question you’re asking is “why does a particle attract another particle” the answer is we don’t know, but we think it’s because mass has a type of weight that presses into the fabric of time, bending time around it.

My question is, though, in the way that gravity in the 3rd dimension pulls a bowling ball down into a stretched out bed sheet, what is the 4th dimension “gravity” that is pulling a particle down into the stretched out sheet of time?

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