How gravity works? How can some particle go up to and grab hold of an atom and go… “here, buddy, come over this way with me, opposite to the orientation I was travelling”?


How gravity works? How can some particle go up to and grab hold of an atom and go… “here, buddy, come over this way with me, opposite to the orientation I was travelling”?

In: 6

9 Answers

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One particle is making a dent in space. A dent so big that a straight line is no longer a straight line, it’s bending space so much that straight lines get curved around it, and that things quite some distance from it are still inside that dent.

The bigger / heavier the particle, the huger the dent.

Now the other particle is also trying to move “uphill” out of that dent so it will slow, or even can’t get out and is falling back towards the first particle because of that dent being so big.

Gravity isn’t “a thing” like you’re imagining. It’s literally a dent in space, that’s causing everything near it to “fall down” the dent towards the heavy object.

And a black hole is an object so heavy, that the dent is SO extreme, that nothing in its range (event horizon) can ever escape it, even light.

Gravity is a dent in space, and the thing that causes that dent is the “weight” of particles themselves.

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